A few years back , following a depressive path in my Life, I received and discovered the benefits and "magic" of Massage Therapy treatments .

  • I was so impressed by the results that I decided to become a Therapist myself to help other people like you benefiting from the "Magic Touch" of massage in their life...So Here I am.
  • I offer Body Massage, customised to your individual needs to target aches, Tension, and Stress and promote feelings of relaxation and wellbeing.
  • I am  an ITEC/BTECH Diplomed Massage Therapist, member of the CThA (Complementary Therapist Association) as well as a member of the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council)
  • I am also Licenced and fully insured for your Peace of mind.
  • Having realised that Mind and Body are inseparable for a Well Balanced Being (YOU) I did some research and gained some more qualifications in view of helping you even better.  Now I am very pleased also to offer ;
  • Hypnotherapy (I am a certified Hypnotherapist, ABH registered -American Board of Hypnotherapy- NLP practitioner-)
  • Wellbeing/ Life coaching (I am a certified Performances Coach)

To Help YOU Achieve What you want to BE!!

You can contact us on 07857129150


South West Massage Therapy

" Helping YOU help YOUR body and mind"

Our Health, Fitness and Wellbeing programs have been designed to help you get fitter, recover from injury, enhance your wellbeing, flexibility.

We are here to help.

To learn more about how you can benefit today we invite you to contact us today. We look forward to helping you start your wellbeing journey.